Trend Alert: A Renaissance of Studio Pottery Table Lamps

As the world supply of handmade mugs and platters comes close to saturation point, a number of ceramic artists have been diversifying their portfolios by making table lamps. Their work celebrates the maker’s hand and the endless possibilities of glazing.

Much of it also calls to mind the last great ceramic table lighting moment, in the 1960s, when Scandinavian studios sent their designs all over the world—you can find examples for sale from just about every midcentury specialist. Here, 10 contemporary counterparts that shed new light on the form.

Above: From Ceramicah of LA, the Tera Lamp Stripe, shown here in medium, $1,895, come in three sizes and many glazes—and is also available from Trnk. Ceramicah is run by Micah Blyckert and Alexandra Cadiz, a couple who are both former architects.
'aviva home barro negro collection barro negro lamp with ball pull 1 ‘Above: The Barro Negro Collection from L’Aviva Home is made in collaboration with Amando Pedro in his workshop in San Bartolo Coyotepec, Mexico. The pieces, including this Barro Negro Lamp, $1,675, are made of barro negro clay.

“The deep, inky color is the result of the unique properties of this indigenous clay combined with a firing process in which the smoke and heat—and deprivation of oxygen—creates an intense carbonization effect,” writes Laura Aviva. “Prior to being fired in an underground wood-burning pit, the pieces are burnished with a curved quartz stone, marking the clay with a subtle sheen.”

triangular table light in white by project from claude home 2 Above: Made in a ceramics workshop in Portugal, the Triangular Table Light in White by Project 213A is $1,320 from Claude Home. The woven shade is 90 percent wool.
rebekah miles green floral table lamp from nikki kehoe 3 Above: Custom made and hand painted by Rebekah Miles in her Ojai, California, studio: the Rebekah Miles Green Floral Table Lamp is a Nickey Kehoe exclusive; $1,300. The shade is sold separately—multiple options available; this one is by Remodelista favorite Howe of London.
magico lamp two tone by casa veronica 4 Above: The mushroom-shaped Mágico Lamp from Casa Veronica is hand built and available in several sizes and glazes including chrome; $1,300 for standard size (shown). Veronica Ortuno’s studio is in Elgin, Texas, on Native American land.
analuisa corrigan curtain lamp 5 Above: We first admired Analuisa Corrigan’s Curtain Lamp, $2,350, on the tables at Gem Wine: see 8 Design Lessons from a 25-Year-Old Star Chef’s DIY Restaurant Makeover. Each is handmade in her LA studio.
dumais made freehand morris lamp 6 Above: The Freehand Morris Lamp, $1200, handcrafted using slab construction, but one in an impressive collection of stoneware table lamps from Dumais Made of Litchfield, Connecticut. See Statement Lighting from Dumais Made and A Design Couple’s Ikea-with-a-Twist Kitchen.
shayd table lamp by sin 7 Above: Virgina Sin of SIN studio says her all-stoneware Shayd Table Lamp was inspired by origami; $688.
bari zipstein ceramic table lamp from the commune shop 8 Above: The Bari Ziperstein Table Lamp takes its form from Brutalist architecture and California sunsets; $1,800 from the Commune Shop. That’s leather trim on the shade.
Trend Alert The Case for Vertically Stacked Bands of Brick portrait 1 Above: Christopher Russell is a New York artist whose medium is clay. His work is far-ranging and includes a collection of lighting. His Black Ovals Lamp is available from Todd Merrill Studio; price on request.

Browse the Remodelista table lamp archive for many more ideas, such as:

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